Almost everyone has experienced the dreaded “unknown” incoming call at some point in their life. Usually it’s not a big deal, as you let the phone go unanswered. But, what if you’re waiting for an important call and are currently sitting with someone and don’t want to be impolite for no reason? What if it’s the same day you dropped your child off a new program and forgot to save the program director’s number? That, “should I answer/shouldn’t I answer” dialogue gets debated in your head in an endless loop as the phone seems to ring ad nauseam.
Over the next few posts I am going to breakdown what makes Calls.AI different from other caller ID apps, but for today’s purposes, this is one of the key components of this app. No more unknown callers. You forgot to put a number in? We’ve got you covered? Not sure if that incoming call from an unknown area code is a robo-marketer or SPAM caller or an actual lead which is trying to reach you? We’ve got you covered.

On any suspicious looking email you receive Google will tell you if it’s “phishy” and or looks like SPAM. There’s no reason your phone shouldn’t do the same thing!