As we tend to do, we often ask our customers for feedback. Honestly, we’re thirsting for it. Our CRM is meant to benefit the people that use it, so making adjustments per users requests is our priority.
One customer, Tim J. a real estate lawyer, relayed the following story. He was sitting with a client going over a document when his phone rang. The name on the phone was “Janet Micheals, DO NOT ANSWER. Apparently any conversation with Janet takes no less than 20 minutes so he needed a reminder not to answer the calls. However, it certainly looks awkward when another client sees that. Of course the client’s next question was, how am I listed in your phone!?
Subsequently Tim has resorted to using our customizable CRM tags and labels people he doesn’t wish to speak with too often, as VIP customers. Now he’ll never have another embarrassing moment in front of a client!
Can your CRM do that?!