Why build your own CRM when you can use ours?

Why waste time building your own CRM or entering information from phone calls into an online form, when you can use Calls.AI

Imagine you are a real estate agent who is scheduled to show a host of clients multiple houses on a given day. In parallel you have an ad campaign running which is constantly bringing in new listings. Now imagine fielding 25 phone calls while on the go, trying to remember what each one was about, which is more important, and what you were meant to do about following up. 

Write it down you say? Where?! With a pen and paper? Build your own “CRM” form and input data into a tablet in some form? Why bother when you can drop all the information you need directly into the call log. 

With Calls.AI you can use our own CRM or create a bespoke one with your own tags and titles in second. Toss in our notes, tasks, and follow ups, you’ve got a full CRM built directly into your dialer. No papers, no forms, no fuss, and no forgetting.

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